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  Cité Europe is outside Calais at Coquelles, a short distance from the Eurotunnel exit. If you are driving from

  the   ferries, take the  A16, exit 12 or 14. There are bus services that run from the Ferry terminals to Calais

  town centre, then route 7, bus stop, Cité Europe entrance". Cité Europe has a separate area for disabled

  parking with a barrier.

Cité Europe

Carrefour supermarket, is on the top floor, inside Porte Hollande entrance. Order wine in advance and pay when you collect your order.

Unisex Fashion.

DARTY Electrical appliances.

Unisex Fashion

Toys "R" Us,

Marques Avenue, near Cite Europe has well known marques at reduced prices.

Calais Yellow Pages

Type from the services list into "quoi, qui" and click "Trouver".

Services List Translation

boulangeries, pâtisseries   

bakeries, cake shops   

boucheries, boucheries-charcuteries   


bureaux de change money exchange
librairies bookshops
garages d'automobiles car service
fromageries cheese shops
pharmacies chemists
vêtements pour enfants childrens clothes


chocolate shops

vente directe de produits fermiers farmers markets




garden centres

cadeaux gifts
alimentation générale grocers



glaciers ice cream shops
vêtements pour hommes mens wear

journaux, presse   


animaleries petshops
volailles et gibiers poultry and game



vêtements sport sports wear

supermarchés et hypermarchés   

supermarkets and hypermarkets

bureaux de tabacs   


vente, montage de pneus   

tyres sale, installation

vins et spiritueux   

wine and spirits

vêtements pour femmes womens clothes

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