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Calais is connected to the European motorway network by two autoroutes:
The A26/E15 serves the centre of France and provides access to Paris and Southern Europe.
The A16/E40 feeds into the Benelux and Northern Europe motorway system.


Map of Calais

Route maps
Dover parking

Calais long term parking

Calais camp site


Radar traps

Driving in France

Parking in Calais

In France Priority from the right is the rule that applies in the absence of signalling. If no sign is found at an intersection or if there is a panel containing a black cross, the driver must give way to any vehicle coming from a road on the right.


Holidays in France
Calais Yellow Pages

Type from the services list into "quoi, qui" and click "Trouver".  

Services list Translation
agences de voyage travel agents
campings camping sites
pneus tyres
stations-service petrol stations

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