Calais Canal
The Calais canal is joined from the Calais marina and travels through Calais at the start of the French canal system. The marina is entered through a sea-lock with waiting buoys outside.
The canal crosses Bourbourg in the maritime plain, at the heart of a triangle formed by Dunkirk, Calais and St-Omer.
today has became the county seat of the Canton. The
historic port is reached via a tidal gateway, which is usually accessible 2.5
hours before and after high tide. Boats (with a draft of less than 2.5 metres)
navigate a two mile stretch of the River Aa before entering the Vauban marina.
It is also possible for appropriate craft to gain access to the French waterways
and Belgium interiors on the network of canals which connect with Gravelines,
via a lock in the harbour.